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Genius – Photo Flash Fiction #FridayPhotoFiction

Man staring at board

This story is written as part of Friday Foto Fiction. It is a Weekly Blog Hop to celebrate fiction writing co-hosted by Tina & Mayuri. They give a photo prompt every week and participants need to write a flash fiction based on the photo in 100-150 words.


Madhura found Rohit staring at the board in Aryan’s room again.

She gently put her hand on his shoulder.

“He was a genius!” Rohit marvelled.

“Yes, you told me, sweetheart”

“How come we never saw his potential?”

Madhura took a deep breath and sighed.

“Maybe we were too busy to make him fit in with the other kids”

It had been a year since Aryan committed suicide. Madhura & Rohit were still coming to terms with the reality. For the first time, Rohit was taking interest in Aryan. Madhura wished he had done it earlier.



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This story was selected as featured by Mayuri & Tina.