This story is written as part of Friday Foto Fiction. It is a Weekly Blog Hop to celebrate fiction writing co-hosted by Tina & Mayuri. They give a photo prompt every week and participants need to write a flash fiction based on the photo in 100-150 words.
“The biggest acquisition of the start-up history is called off” the headline said.
News about the possibility of acquisition of F-Lin Corp followed by financial turmoil had graced the front page of all newspapers over last month.
Despite the efforts by the founders – Ryan & Tanya to recover its losses & lost glory, one of the investors had managed to get them to the table for acquisition discussions.
Destiny put Tanya on her way to the acquisition discussions next to Sam in a flight journey. 2 hours of discussion changed her life forever and helped her come with a plan to put off the acquisition.
Sam folded the newspaper & looked up to the sky “I kept my word”.
Jack had helped him during troubled time in business, expecting nothing but a promise from him that he will help another in trying times in return.
What goes around , comes around!
Kindness is best passed on .. good reminder and story.
great he kept his word! Thanks for linking up with #FridayFotoFiction.
Glad he kept his word!
Thank you for writing for #FridayFotoFiction